Starting® Up Your Device

Visit to begin setting up your Trezor device, ensuring secure storage of your cryptocurrencies with step-by-step instructions and essential security features.

Getting Started with Your Trezor Device

1. Unboxing Your Trezor

When you receive your Trezor device, it will come securely packaged. Unbox it carefully and ensure all contents are present: the Trezor device itself, a USB cable for connecting to your computer, and any documentation or recovery seed cards.

2. Connecting to Your Computer

To begin setup, connect your Trezor to your computer using the provided USB cable. Ensure the cable is securely plugged into both the Trezor device and an available USB port on your computer.

3. Accessing

Open your web browser and go to This official Trezor page provides step-by-step instructions tailored to your device model (Trezor One, Trezor Model T, etc.).

4. Choosing Your Device

If prompted, select your Trezor device model on the website. This ensures that you receive the correct setup instructions and firmware updates specific to your device.

5. Installing Trezor Bridge (if needed)

Depending on your operating system, you may need to install Trezor Bridge—a communication software that allows your Trezor device to connect with your computer securely. Follow the on-screen instructions on if prompted to install Trezor Bridge.

6. Setting Up Your Trezor Device

Follow the prompts on to initialize your device:

  • Creating a New Wallet: If this is your first time setting up the Trezor device, you will need to create a new wallet. Follow the instructions to set a device name and create a secure PIN code.

  • Backup and Recovery: Write down your recovery seed phrase provided by the Trezor device. This phrase is crucial for recovering your wallet in case your Trezor is lost or damaged.

7. Installing Trezor Suite (optional)

If you prefer using the Trezor Suite software for managing your cryptocurrencies, will guide you through downloading and installing Trezor Suite. This software offers additional features like coin management and portfolio tracking.

8. Completing Setup

Once setup is complete, your Trezor device is ready to use. Disconnect it from your computer and store it safely. Ensure your recovery seed phrase is stored securely in a separate location from your device.

9. Testing Your Device

After setup, you can test your Trezor device by sending a small amount of cryptocurrency to your new wallet address. This ensures everything is functioning correctly before you store larger amounts.

Last updated